A list of the USA/VE states, provinces, territories, etc ... Followed by Suggested Exchanges

The exchange is slightly different for W/VE and "DX" in this contest .. Most problems arise when W/VE casual ops do not give their state/province abbreviation so here they are:

Canada/VE Provinces & Territories (VE8, VY0, VY1 are Territories)

VO1  NF  Newfoundland 
VO2  LB  Labrador
VE1  NB  New Brunswick 
VE1  NS  Nova Scotia
VE2  QC  Quebec
VE3  ON  Ontario
VE4  MB  Manitoba
VE5  SK  Saskatchewan
VE6  AB  Alberta
VE7  BC  British Columbia
VE8  NWT  Northwest Territories
VE9  NB  New Brunswick
VY0  NU  Nunavut
VY1  YT  Yukon
VY2  PEI  Prince Edward Island
US States

* XXXX(AK)      Idaho(ID)         Montana(MT)         Rhode Island(RI)  
Alabama(AL)     Illinois(IL)      North Carolina(NC)  S. Carolina(SC)
Arkansas(AR)    Indiana(IN)       North Dakota(ND)    South Dakota(SD)  
Arizona(AZ)     Kansas(KS)        Nebraska(NE)        Tennessee(TN)     
California(CA)  Kentucky(KY)      New Hampshire (NH)  Texas (TX)         
Colorado(CO)    Louisiana(LA)     New Jersey(NJ)      Utah(UT)          
Connecticut(CT) Massachusetts(MA) New Mexico(NM)      Virginia(VA)      
Delaware(DE)    Maryland(MD)      Nevada(NV)          Vermont(VT)       
Florida(FL)     Maine(ME)         New York(NY)        Washington(WA)    
Georgia(GA)     Michigan(MI)      Ohio(OH)            Wisconsin(WI)     
* XXXXX(HI)     Minnesota(MN)     Oklahoma(OK)        West Virginia(WV) 
Iowa(IA)        Missouri(MO)      Oregon(OR)          Wyoming(WY)       
                Mississippi(MS)   Pennsylvania(PA)  

 Note: * Hawaii and Alaska will be treated as DX and count as KH6 and KL7 DX ...  District of Columbia (DC)
is not a state and should be recorded as MD (Maryland).