Field Day is a nationwide emergency communications preparedness drill held annually on the fourth week end of June. This year's Field Day will be held on June 28 & 29. N3FJP Field Day Logging Software is available for download here. A YouTube video tutorial is here. Field Day is sponsored by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). The ARRL is a nationwide organization of amateur radio operators. Field Day's main focus is emergency communications preparedness. Amateur radio clubs across the country, including TARA, sponsor a field day site which conducts communications under simulated emergency conditions. Amateur operators prove their readiness for a genuine emergency by operating without the benefit of any commercial power source. While emergency communications is the main focus of Field Day, amateur operators also seize the opportunity Field Day presents to inform the public about the many benefits offered by the amateur radio hobby, including public service communications and educational programs. And of course, the TARA Field Day site offers lots of good conversation and good food! The public is invited to TARA Field Day site which this year will be at Hudson Shores Park in Watervliet. Click here for directions. Click here to signup and let us know when you will be at the Field Day site.
2024's Field Day all the QSO's were counted and filed with the
ARRL. TARA made some 22 QSO's under the call of NY2U, for a
total of 1206 points in the ENY section (Eastern New York).
TARA Field Day Committee Steve Kopecky, KF2WA - 518-674-4150 Karen Smith, KS2O - 518-273-6594
Field Day Photos
We're more than just another radio club...we're TARA!