October 1997 - Page 10
Candy Drive Many of you who attended Saratoga's Hamfest no doubt noticed that TARA is now selling Hershey Candies. Yep it's true, we're in the candy business as a way to raise a few bucks for the old satchel. At our September meeting it was announced that Karen, KB2UUC, Jim, W2JHO, and Mr. Bill, NY2U, would be heading up this candy drive. "We're offering a selection of three different candy bars (Kit-Kats, Caramello's, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups) that you may choose from. We're also hoping that many of the TARA faithful will be able to take a case (30 count) of these bars and sell them for our club. If you're unable to sell a whole case, how about taking a few loose bars. Each candy bar sells for just $1.00! If you'd be willing to help us out please contact any of the names given below. Your help is greatly appreciated!! Karen Smith, KB2UUC at 273-6594kb2uuc@juno.com Bill Eddy, NY2U at 273-9248mrbill1953@aol.com James Hannell, W2JHO at 438-3685
Thank You! We'd like to thank Hollins, N2YQW, who sold the most raffle tickets for this year's Summer/Fall raffle. Hollins has been a good friend of the club for several years now and he has ALWAYS been willing to help us out whenever possible. Again thanks!
Completes StephanAnderman, WA3RKB, recently completed a 2 days Packet Radio class held on the campus of RPI, in Troy. This class was his largest to date. We look forward to the new packeteers that he has produced and encourage them to use the N2TY BBS/NODE on 144.91 MHZ. Congratulations Stephan! Donation Recently Jim Walker, KD2LB, donated his used Ameritron AL-811(Output 600 Watts) amplifier to our club. This amp is in very good condition and will be sold in the very near future. Anyone interest in this piece of equipment should contact Mr. Bill. Thanks Jim! |
Volunteers Needed! TARA is desperately in search of a few volunteers to occupy the TARA repeaters during the evening hours. We need a few volunteers who would like to start some nightly conversation and encourage others to join in. Membership is not required, but we do hope you'll want to become a member in the near future. It seems of late that the TARA repeaters system is definitely being under utilized. Our members need to remember that the repeaters are one of the best drawing cards the club has for attracting new members into the club. We're sure many of you can remember your first visit on the repeater system and how there were a few friendly voices to say "welcome to the TARA repeaters!" We need others to continue that tradition. The requirements for this position aren't that bad. In fact 99.9% of you already have met all the qualifications. Below we have listed a few of these requirements:
WARNING: TARA cannot accept any responsibility for those who get addicted to this position. Also, any applicant who calls NY2U on the repeaters before the hour of 10:00 AM will be punished. |