You’re Invited!!
December 16th
7:00 PM
Keeping up with the holiday tradition, TARA will be celebrating the
holiday season at our next monthly meeting, to be held on December 16th
at 7:00 PM. Please make particular note of this date and special starting
time. (This holiday party will be in lieu of the regular monthly business
meeting.) Please remember there will be no special party invitations sent
out, so merely by reading this article consider yourself invited. Also
we encourage you to invite your family or friends to come and join us.
TARA will be supplying all the major food and beverage items, plus any
other necessities. However we would like to have a few
volunteers to bring along a side dish (hot or cold) or maybe some
of you could help by bringing something for dessert.
Arrangement for this party are being handled by Karen Smith, KB2UUC,
and we ask you to please let her know what you’d like to bring .
Hope to see you at the party! You never know maybe Santa will make
it too!!
Karen Smith, KB2UUC @ 273-6594
Stocking Stuffers!!
New “Entertainment Book” Bigger & Better Than Ever!
Ken Davis, KB2KFV, is once again heading up the sale of “Entertainment
Books” just in time for the holidays. These discount booklets would make
a perfect stocking stuffer and you’d help our club make a few bucks. All
Entertainment Books include gigantic 50% and 2-for-1 savings on dining,
travel & much more. One of the new features turns your credit card
into a dining savings card!
Each book of discount coupons costs $40.00 and they’re available right
now by calling the number listed below.
Ken Davis, KB2KFV @ 272-0112
Last Call
Our December meeting will serve as the last chance for those who still
haven’t settled up with our Candy Committee. We’ve been told that there
are several who need to return funds they’ve collected and/or any
left over candy bars.
Those who do not return the candy or funds will be held personally accountable
for the complete amount.