January 98 - Page 2

Membership Committee Working Hard

We're sure many of you noticed that both Tim, N2WJG, and Glo, KC2BRY, were hard at work taking pictures  during our Holiday Party, back in December. These pictures were taken with a new digital camera and they'll be used on our new TARA ID badges. Plus we'll have a complete set of digitized pictures to use with the new TARA membership database that Steve, KF2WA, has been working on. Once this database is completed it will be shared with the membership for their personal use. 
If you were not in attendance at the December meeting please try to make our January meeting so they can get your snapshot. Keep in mind the photos are optional. If you don't wish to be photographed that certainly is your option. 
If you'd like additional information about the new ID badges or the membership database contact the phone numbers listed below. 
 Tim, N2WJG & Glo, KC2BRY @  393-3854
 Steve Kopecky, KF2WA @ 674-4150

AARA Elects New Slate of Officers 

All of us from TARA would like to offer our hardy congratulations to the newly elected officers /directors for the Albany Amateur Radio Association.  The officers listed below will began their terms of office immediately following the December 12, 1997 monthly meeting. 
  President: George Wilner, K2ONP 
  V.President: Ernie Popp, K2EP 
  Treasurer: Saul abrams, K2XA 
  Secretary: William Nettleton, K2BX 
  Will Liporace, NA2NA 
  Scott Eutermarks, N2MQQ 


Contest Logs

If you were one of those who participated in the ARRL's January VHF Sweepstakes which took place on the weekend of January 17, 18,  & 19, please be sure to submit your log to the ARRL. Entries must be postmarked no later than 30 days after the contest. If you're submitting your log on behalf of TARA make sure you put TARA's name on your log sheets. 
Send log to: Contest@arrl.org 

Thank You TARA!

On December 27, 1997 my father Howard Randall Eddy passed away at Samaritan Hospital in Troy, he was 81 years old. 
I'd like to thank each of you on behalf of the entire "Eddy" family for the beautiful flowers you sent and for those that attended his wake. I cannot begin to tell you how much it meant to our family to have your support during our gravest hours. 
Again, please accept our deepest appreciation. 

William J. Eddy, NY2U